Thursday, February 14, 2013

FFH Anonymous

FFH Anonymous

My name is Sebastian and I have a spending problem. This past weekend I blew my $21 surplus for last week along with nearly all of my $100 budget for the following week in three days. I wish I had listened to Al Gore and put some of that money in a lockbox, but instead I followed the profligate ways of the Greek economy so, now I am at negative $40 to get me through until tomorrow.

Many people have asked me why I decided to undertake this fairly random challenge. To be honest I did not give a great deal of consideration to this question before starting because, well, Matt and I rarely give much consideration to these kinds of things. There was the time in high school when we thought we could just show up at the airport at 6am and get on a flight somewhere for 50 bucks. We left dejected when the ticket agent informed us that airlines stopped the practice of selling off cheap last minutes flights 20 years earlier, but if we wanted she could get us on a last minute flight to Orlando for $400 each. We went to Denny's instead. 

This is just one of several such stories and adventures that I have gone through with Matt, and I am certain it won't be the last. This brings me to the point of this blog post. I am thankful for Matt and other friends who are constantly up for new adventures because without these experiences you may have a friendship with a strong foundation but you must constantly rely on "remember whens," and as Tony Soprano famously quipped: "remember when is lowest form of conversation."  

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